Tuesday, March 29, 2022


I woke up this morning with absolutely NOTHING on the plate in terms of tasks to accomplish. It's cold as fuck in the EP and I ain't no Ryder Cupper...they played in 32 degree weather on the second day...so I asked the wife for a task. She said "dusting." So I dusted this morning. Dusting is a task that allows one to think, A LOT. About why my brothers have turned into such Tools Of The State, about how much I'm grateful for God blessing me with an AWESOME son and grandkids, about what things that I've been blessed with that I TOTALLY don't deserve, and about patience. God made Adam from dust, and He said "from dust shall you return." Hmmmm. From dust you shall return. The dirt that we track in, the pollen that will soon blow all over the place, the hair of a new animal that I KNOW we're gonna get now that Hon's grieving time over Molly is over... Dusting.

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