Friday, February 18, 2022

Global Bullshit How right has this call been?

Thursday, February 17, 2022

Thank You Chairman Xiden

Or should I say, Thank You Black Jesus. This was Sundance, yesterday: "The $200 food basket in early 2021 is now around $275. That same food basket will likely reach $325 this summer." Do the rough math. What percentage of YOUR monthly budget goes towards food? I'll guess 20%. And we don't eat out but like once a week. So...$325/$200 times .20 = The real cost reduction in your retirement account. Meaning, if you target was $1 mill, it now needs to be $1.3 mill. Because in flation DOESN'T GO DOWN. It stabilizes, and then wages catch up and there's a new ceteris paribus. EXCEPT IF YOU'RE RETIRED. Then, you just keep taking it up the arsehole... It's amazing to me why this LibCommie "Leadership" has not been Mussolini'd yet.

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Jes Cos

This whole thing with Bill Cosby sounds to me like a morality play, a Greek Tragedy if you will. I was never into the whole Fat Albert deal - just didn't think it was that funny - but other bits of his (like the Chocolate Cake piece) are as touching and insightful as anything made during that fucked up time in the Sixties. It DID NOT MATTER that The Cos was black when he was hitting stuff like How All Dads Just Want To Be Cool...EVERYBODY got it. Importantly, he wasn't afriad to call out black males for shirking their responsibility as fathers, and THAT shit hasn't changed for as long as I've been alive...dick the Ho and leave...five kids by three different mothers...a complete abdication of responsibility, Max Nihilism. Which now is a strong undertow of the whole CRT/BLM bullshit. Like, if Black Lives Matter so much, HOW COME YOUR FUCKING DAD IS NOWHERE TO BE FOUND?

Anyways, his release from prison yesterday will piss ALL the right people off. Black females in positions of authority, specifically. You know, the Role Models for today's generation of black teenaged girls who are bitch slapping the shit out of each other right now. The "average" black male doesn't give a fuck WHAT Cosby did to earn the sentence. Personally, I don't either. The guy's a walking corpse. Leave him alone.

Tuesday, June 29, 2021


Hon and I just saw an ad for a new show on TV. Two lesbians, both black. A couple. Here's my Otto Prediction: In the same way that the LibCommies faked hundreds of thousands of votes to elect Groper McSenility, they will fake up viewers for this show. Why not? Prove to all the white homophobes that they're in the minority. Which we aren't, of course.


Big D, in his update this morning: FINALLY, spam comments have risen exponentially, which means I waste a lot of time cleaning up the mess. Yesterday, I made a mistake and deleted about 100 legitimate comments. I may have to pull the plug on comments. Google is no help at all. And I cannot switch to Disqus. Please bear with me. There are two ways to deal with this: End comments or ignore the spam. So (as Gen Z loves to say, and which drives me crazy because of its insane overuse)...So...I volunteered to vaporize his spam. As a GREAT President loved to say, "We'll see what happens."

Monday, June 28, 2021


 Well, it’s official - Bears The Miracle Baby will have to deal with dicks a LOT sooner than she should. A LOT sooner. Like maybe next year. Who knows?

Homeschooling and private schools suddenly look a LOT more appealing.

I think Mr. T should take a little bit of blame for this. Kavanaugh and ACB are useless. THEY HAVE NO MORAL COMPASS. If a judge don’t got that, he ain’t got nuthin. This is a loss for Mr. T no matter how he tries to spin it.

Big D Gongs Otto

 I’ve been an avid reader and poster to Don Surber’s blog for about five years now. This morning I made a couple of comments and then went out on the normal, weekly Monday grocery run. One for Baby Sweets and I, and one for mom-in-law Margo. That exercise takes two trips to/from the store to the car. Got back, checked his blog.

My posts weren’t there. Big D gonged me.

Or somebody did.

I’d like to think it’s because my powerful, unique, and often inflammatory writing put me on some sort of shit list. Kane at Citizen Free Press gongs my stuff too. Like, they appear and then a minute later, they’re gone.

I could take a trip down the Conspiracy Freeway, but that just ain’t worth it. And I don’t know enuf about Computers to troubleshoot this as a potential iPad problem. I just decided, I’m gonna start blogging again.

So here we go…