This whole thing with Bill Cosby sounds to me like a morality play, a Greek Tragedy if you will. I was never into the whole Fat Albert deal - just didn't think it was that funny - but other bits of his (like the Chocolate Cake piece) are as touching and insightful as anything made during that fucked up time in the Sixties. It DID NOT MATTER that The Cos was black when he was hitting stuff like How All Dads Just Want To Be Cool...EVERYBODY got it. Importantly, he wasn't afriad to call out black males for shirking their responsibility as fathers, and THAT shit hasn't changed for as long as I've been alive...dick the Ho and leave...five kids by three different mothers...a complete abdication of responsibility, Max Nihilism. Which now is a strong undertow of the whole CRT/BLM bullshit. Like, if Black Lives Matter so much, HOW COME YOUR FUCKING DAD IS NOWHERE TO BE FOUND?
Anyways, his release from prison yesterday will piss ALL the right people off. Black females in positions of authority, specifically. You know, the Role Models for today's generation of black teenaged girls who are bitch slapping the shit out of each other right now. The "average" black male doesn't give a fuck WHAT Cosby did to earn the sentence. Personally, I don't either. The guy's a walking corpse. Leave him alone.